The Delle

TDA just acquired 683 acres in the Lakeside Mountains west of Salt Lake City for a year-round outdoor wellness center named the Delle. With power and water—but no human neighbors—the Delle provides privacy and opportunity to create an unparalleled sanctuary for the TDA community.

Features and events at the Delle will promote wellness through art, music, worship, and human connection. Initial plans include a central gathering spot—Delle Station—with a canteen, nice bathrooms, and a large pavilion for group ceremonies, concerts, and services. Let’s create magic!

  • Inspiration

    Laying lightly on the Delle’s beautiful grasslands and bajadas, tree-lined paths will connect yurts with rolldown canvas walls, firepits, and plumbed bathrooms, for small-group ceremonies.

    To inspire visitors and support festival artists, visually-stunning installation art pieces will be displayed throughout the Delle. With a mix of annually-rotating pieces and a curated permanent collection, the Delle will be one of the largest and most exciting art museums in the world.

  • Connection

    For quiet contemplation and solitude, the Delle’s mountain, box canyon, and sand dunes will remain primitive.

    Based on suggestions and the apparent excitement of members, TDA also is considering allowing green, mycelial burials at the Delle, to create yet another layer of continuity and sacred connection.

  • An Oasis

    Clearly, there will be nothing else quite like the Delle. And the world needs it. Just fifty minutes from downtown Salt Lake City, the Delle will be a beautiful and peaceful oasis in the desert, a destination for feeling, healing, and connecting. The magic that people experience at TDA’s annual Revival Festival in the mountains will have a permanent home the other 360 days of the year. TDA needs your support to make this happen at the Delle. Please help by getting a membership card today and/or making a tax-deductible contribution.

We need your help

TDA needs your support to make this happen at the Delle. Please help by getting a membership card today and/or making a tax-deductible contribution.